Monday, April 20, 2009

A child's nature

Like many parents, I look at my kids sometimes and think...'they did NOT get that from me'. Loving Solutions is a book published by The Parent Project, referred to hereafter as LS. "The fact is that our child's nature is probably an inherited trait and is not the result of parenting"-LS So, if they didn't get it from my parenting and I'm thinking it wasn't "inherited" from me or my husband then what is it? Religiously speaking and just plain common sense- they are their own unique spirit. We are only entrusted with their care. Sure we can influence, sure there will be inherited traits, but that is only a small part, the rest is just who they are! And I think if it were any other way, it'd be too easy and life would be boring!

So, in our parenting our mindset needs to be, what can I do to help my child, teach my child, let my child know they are loved. Not, what can I do to fix this child, change this child, get this child to understand. Kids minds think differently than do adults.

Today's mantra, accept myself AND my children for who they are.